For over 7,000 Years, Native Americans inhabited
this incredible California Vacation Resort Island.
Fishing, boating, camping, gambling, sports, films,
motorcycling and The Great American Bald Eagle
all have had a history on this great get a way spot.
One can get there from San Pedro' s Terminal Island,
Long Beach' s Golden Shores, Newport Beach' s Balboa
Pavilion, Dana Point's Golden Lantern Harbor by Boat
or by Helicopter. Like the song says, " Twenty-Six miles
across the Sea, Santa Catalina is waitin' for me ... "
Its a classic place to rekindle an anniversary, pop the
question or even have your wedding. Or just have fun.
The Catalina Express has up to [ 30] Round trips daily.
CatalinaExpress.com Phone Direct 800 - 618 - 5533
There are plenty of Hotels large and small to reserve:
TheAvalonHotel.com HotelCatalina.com
HermosaHotel.com CatalinaCatalina.com
CatalinaIslandInn.com GlenmoreHotel.com
VisitCatalinaIsland.com ElTerado.com
CatalinaCanyonResort.com HamiltonCove.com
CatalinaIslandMuseum.org PH:310.510.2414
Cuisine and Cocktails :
CatalinaHotSpots.com CatalinaLanding.com
Stevessteakhouse.com CatalinaDC3.com
Shopping :
FishCatalina.com RuthMayer.com
DelSol.com Latitude-33.com
There are Seven different places of Worship.
The island has a population of 3,500 people.
Summer temperatures average 75 degrees.
There are two local publications. The Avalon
Bay News and The Catalina Islander. Plenty
of whatever you need. Simply leave all your
problems on the mainland and discover a
world of island living. If you hike it into the
backwoods you will find Indian energy in the
form of Bison and maybe even a Bald eagle .
If you really dig it, buy something by contacting
4CIRE.com and rent it to your friends off season.
Phone : 1.310.510.1520